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Moruya Granite (Moruya Tonalite) is best known for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylons, but many Sydney buildings and monuments feature the Granite.Below is a selection of articles and stories in pdf format relating to Moruya Granite, the quarries and the people who worked them.
We also have the following publications for sale
Not Forgotten. Memorials in Granite by Christine Greig,
Granitetown Memories by Ruth Webberley
Moruya's Golden Years by Aubrey Vernon (Bob) Colefax
and Set in Stone by Shirley Jurmann.

Title | Pdf Size |
Moruya's Scottish Connections by Bill Glennie
This article gives an insight into the research techniques of a historian as Bill attempts to trace more details on Moruya's Scottish masons who were brought out to work the quarry for the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge pylons. | 847KB |
Moruya's Golden Years About to Begin by Shirley Jurmann Moruya Granite is chosen for the Sydney Harbour Bridge. | 50KB |
The Quarry Apprentice by Bill Glennie Reg Saunders was an apprentice mason at the quarry for 2 and a half years. His recollections provide the bases for these articles | 9.3MB |
The Working Quarry by Bill Glennie. These articles continue on from the Quarry Apprentice and discuss the processes used to quarry and finish the Granite, included are group photographs of the quarry workers. | 2.9MB |
The Quarry Italians by Bill Glennie The Italians after the Scots were the largest contingent of masons employed at the Quarry. | 6.4MB |
Granitetown Public School by Bill Glennie The village provided for the quarry workers and their families was known as Granitetown. | 4.6KB |
The Rise and Fall of Granitetown by Bill Glennie This article is a series of transcripts of reference to Granitetown found in the Moruya Examiner newspaper. | 557KB |
Transcript of two letters from the Sydney Mail Newspaper. Letters describe Granitetown. | 71KB |
Stanley Purvis by Bill Glennie. Stanley Purvis was the Quarry engineer from January 1927 to February 1929 | 2.1MB |
Always take a second look by Bill Glennie This is the story of the foundation stones of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. | 327KB |
Sam Pringle's Cottage by Aubrey Vernon (Bob) Colefax The last of the Granitetown cottages to be sold off. | 226KB |
The Cenotaph by Bill Glennie The large stone forming the base of the Cenotaph in Martin Place Sydney is Moruya Granite. | 985KB |
Materials used in the Sydney Harbour
Bridge Construction by J.J.C. Bradfied. Transcript of an article published in "Border Watch" 14th January 1928 | 67KB |
John Young by Shirley Jurmann John Young leased the Louttit quarry in 1868. | 120KB |
The McCredie Quarry by Shirley Jurmann The McCredies purchased 3 acres of the Zeigler Quarry when they were engaged for the second half of the Sydney GPO building. | 200KB |
The Louttit Quarry and family A brief summary from Set in Stone by Shirley Jurmann | 573KB |
Moruya Pilot Station Log and Granite Extracts fom the Log dealing with the Quarry or Granite. Spelling and abbreviations are as they appear in the Log. | 50KB |
Memorials Pylons Granite by Bill Glennie | 1.1KB |
First Attempts to tame Moruya River by John Sewell | 509KB |
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Last updated 12th January 2019.