An Index of the district inhabitants to 1900, published in two volumes A to H and I to Z with
over 300 pages per volume, a Spouse Index and Maps are included
The following pioneer family names are included in the A-H :
Adams, Addison, Ah Chin, Ah Ching Jia Chung, Ah Gorey , Ah Hin, Ah Jong, Ah Kin, Ah Lee, Ah Quoy, Ah San, Ainsworth, Alexander, Aliban,
Anderson, Annetts, Anson, Archibald, Arnett, Austin, Averell, Balcombe, Baldwin, Ball, Barber, Barker, Barling, Barlow, Barns, Barr,
Bartlett, Barton, Bate, Beashel, Behringer, Bellette, Benson, Berriman, Bettini, Bishop, Bland, Bolloway, Boot, Bottin, Bowman, Bown,
Bowne, Boxsell, Boyle, Breen, Brennan, Brice, Brock, Brogan, Brook, Brothers, Brown, Browne, Buckley, Burch, Burke, Burnell, Burns,
Burns, Byrne, Byrnes, Cahill, Callaghan, Cameron, Campbell, Cannon, Cantlay, Canty, Carden, Carew, Carland, Carriage, Carter, Casey,
Cassidy, Caswell, Catt, Champney, Chapman, Charman, Cheeseman, Chewying, Christensen, Chung Fun, Clarke, Clements, Clugston, Clulee,
Coffey, Cole, Colefax, Coles, Collett, Coman, Condon, Connell, Connolly, Connors, Constable, Cooper, Coppin, Corbett, Corrigan,
Costin, Cotterel, Couch, Coughlin, Cowdroy, Coxon, Crapp, Cullen, Cumes, Cummins, Cunningham, Currans, Daley, Dansey, Davidson,
Davis, Dayball, Deane, Delofski, Di-On, Dibley, Donaldson, Donnelly, Donovan, Du Ross, Duncan, Duren, Eales, Easson/Eason, Eddy,
Egan, Elliott, Ellison, Emmott, Evans, Field, Fitzpatrick, Fitzwilliams, Flanagan, Fletcher, Flood, Flynn, Fogarty, Fookes, Foran,
Foreman, Forster, Foster, Francis, Fry, Fuller, Gallagher, Galloway, Gannon, Gardiner, Gee, George, Gibb, Gibbs, Gildea, Glover,
Goodin, Gorman, Gough, Graham, Gray, Green, Greig, Griffiths, Grumley, Hancock, Handcock, Hanscom, Harken, Harkus, Harper, Harpur,
Harrison, Harvison, Hawdon, Hawken, Hay, Hayes, Heffernan, Hespe, Hibel, Hicks, Hitch, Hogan, Holden, Holmquist/Holmkirst, Holroyd,
Honan, Hoolahan, Hunt, Hutchings, Hutchison, Kee Chong
The following pioneer family names are included in the I-Z :
Innes, Irving, Irwin, Ison, Jeffers, Jeffery, Jenner, Jennings, Jessop, Johnston, Johnson, Jones, Joseph, Kay, Keating, Keays,
Kelly, Kendal, Kennedy, Kilkelly, Kimpton, King, Kirby, Knappett, Knight, Knox, Kurz, Laing, Lake, Lamont, Latty, Lavis, Lawler,
Lennard, Lindwall, Ling, Little, Livingstone, Lodge, Long, Longhurst, Lonsdale, Louttit, Love, Luck, Lusty, Lynch, Mallon, Manning,
Manusu, Marsden, Marshall, Martin, Maxwell, Mayo, McAlister, McCaffery, McCauley, McGrath, McHugh, McIntosh, McKeon, McKinnon, McLean,
McMahon, McTavish, Meares, Mehl, Menyweather, Mepstead, Mercer, Millikin, Mitchell, Moffatt, Montgomery, Mooney, Mooney, Morgan,
Morris, Mort, Motbey, Mundy, Munro, Murphy, Mylott, Negus, Nelmes, Newman, Nickson, Noad, Nunan, O’Grady, O’Herir, O’Mara, Osborne,
O’Toole, Parbery, Pattemore, Payne, Perry, Peterman, Peters, Pfeiffer, Piety, Pike, Pittman, Pollock, Pollock, Pomphrey, Poole, Power,
Quilter, Quinn, Rankin, Read, Reede, Richards, Richardson, Roach, Robb, Robertson, Rose, Ross, Rossbach, Royal, Russell, Ryan,
Salway, Sebbens, Sharpe, Shears, Sherlock, Shoebridge, Shottin, Simpson, Sisley, Skehan, Sly, Small, Smart, Smith, Smithard,
Somerville, Southam, Speer, Staunton, Stephens, Stormon, Strahan, Stuart, Stubbs, Swain, Tarlinton, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson,
Tier, Towers, Tully, Turner, Ussher, Vagg, Vaughan, Veitch, Waddell, Waldon, Waldron, Walsh, Walter, Waters, Weatherby, Weatherhead,
Welsh, Whelan, White, Whitfield, Willcocks, Williams, Wilson, Windsor, Wright, Wrightson, Wyatt, Young, Ziegler.